Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!

My holiday has been a little backwards. My holiday weekend was Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday of this week. It was nice to get 3 days off in a row because I haven't even had 2 days off in a row for about 2 months. I spent that time shopping for Christmas gifts and running errands. I hate being in the mall after Thanksgiving. There is too many people there. On Thanksgiving, I worked at Blockbuster in the morning. I got paid time and a half so that was nice. I made it out to David's mom's house by 4 PM. I finally realize how far away Irving really is. Mrs. Nieman doesn't like turkey too much, so we had Cornish game hens instead. It all tastes about the same. Yummy. She made these rolls and fruit salad that was to die for! I brought a banana nut pie made by Elbert. David's step dad really enjoyed it. I kinda felt like I ate and ran, because I had to get home to sleep so I could open the Rec Center the next day. I didn't even have any time to take pictures! And you know there is always time for that. I missed my family, but I will see them for out Christmas cruise next month. Can't wait!

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